"Pari sur l'enfance" II A nonprofit association created to support orphans and child beggars II Donate

Many children are neither orphans nor beggars but face difficulties in terms of food, education, medical care, etc.
In order to help the maximum of children meet their basic needs, “Pari sur l’enfance” will use 5% of the donations to help support social projects.

Projects will be in the categories below:

  • Water: construction of wells in villages and purchase of water pumps
    Because water is vital, facilitating its access is necessary. In villages, many walk for miles to get water. Constructing wells or getting water pumps would help them considerably.
  • Food: provisioning of food to destitute families
  • Medical care: participation in health care costs (medical visits, medicines, hospitalization, etc.)
  • Education: help with school materials, rehabilitation of schools, etc.
  • Other: any social project that aims to improve children’s living conditions