"Pari sur l'enfance" II A nonprofit association created to support orphans and child beggars II Donate

Dear Potential Volunteer,

Helping is an “art” and here we are, potential “artists” for the improvment of child beggars and orphans’ living conditions.


If you would like to volunteer, we invite you to check the volunteer actions listed below then to send your first name, last name, country and email address at benevolat@parisurlenfance.com. We will send you back your Volunteer attestation.

All association team is thanking you for your interest in this cause and hopefully welcomes you in the “PARI SUR L’ENFANCE” Family.


Volunteer actions

  • Invite people to volunteer
  • Talk about this association to make it known
  • Invite people to support us with ponctual or regular contributions whatever the amount
  • Share any suggestion, idea, remark or comment that can help the association grow